Tuesday, June 30, 2015

What the "robots are taking jobs" debate ignores

Everything I have read so far about in the robots are taking jobs debate - some suggesting it is really serious and other suggesting it will be alright are both forgetting one thing.

Society hangs together on the pillars of trust and the power of the state to use force. If people start to BELIEVE their futures are in danger then watch out.

It is not just about what is a rational expectation of the future but the emotional understanding of body mind and soul as well that is important in this situation. Governments need to rapidly get their heads around this SINGLE fact about the digital future. Determining whether new technologies will create jobs is almost impossible for a government to analyse and foretell - it is an act of hope or faith.

But, governments can begin to develop policies that engage society in building trust that they will help navigate their economies through what changes occur. This is big picture but it is the work of innovation policy.

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