For many years now I have been monitoring the time and efort devoted to science policy. My complete list is for Australia.
It was this list that made me think of calling this blog 'velocity'.
1989 Research, Innovation and Competitiveness – introduction of the rural Research and Development Corporations legislation.
1989 ‘Science and Technology for Australia’ policy statement.
1990 Cooperative Research Centres policy announced.
1990 ‘Building a Competitive Australia’ policy statement.
1991 One Nation’ economic and industry policy statement by the Prime Minister Paul Keating.
1992 Developing Australian Ideas: a blueprint for the 1990s (Science and Technology White paper).
1994 Phase 1 of the Review of Rural Research and Development Corporations.
1994-95 Industry Commission inquiry (& report) on Research and Development (public & private funding).
1995 Phase 2 of the Review of Rural Research and Development Corporations.
1995 Innovation Statement – following a national consultation program.
Election of new government
1996 Changes to the business R&D incentives system in place since the mid 1980s.
1997 Mortimer review of business programs (incl R&D incentives).
1997 ‘Investing for growth’ policy statement.
1997 Priority Matters – review by the Chief scientist into priority setting in Commonwealth Government research.
1997 Announcement of West review of higher education financing and policy.
1997 Announcement of review into Health R&D.
1998 Report of the Parliamentary inquiry into the effects of policy reform on the levels of R&D performance.
1999 ‘The Virtuous Circle’ Wills report on the National Health and Medical Research Council strategic review.
1999 ‘New Knowledge new Opportunities’ discussion paper on research and research training.
1999 ‘Knowledge and Innovation’ policy statement on higher education.
2000 National Innovation Summit followed by a report by the Innovation Summit Implementation Group.
2000 ‘A Chance to Change’ Report of the inquiry by the Chief Scientist into Australia’s science and technology capability.
2001 Backing Australia’s Ability’ statement by the Prime Minister on funding for higher education and incentives for business funded research.
2002 National research Priorities announced.
2003 A major Government review to ‘map the Australia national innovation system’.
2005 Announcement of a new measure of university research quality – the research quality framework
2006-2007 Major review of public support for science and innovation (Productivity Commission)
Dec 2007 Election of a new Government
2008 Major review of the Australian national innovation system
2009 Announcement of Innovation Policy Statement
2010 review relevant to policy implementation